Fit & Healthy Bundle

$ 52.99 CAD

Total run time: 483 min. (4 discs)
Components:  Standing, Floor, and Barre
Level: Beginner to intermediate
Pace: Slow to Medium
Language: English 

Increase your energy, work your full-body and boost your metabolism with these dynamic workouts!

This DVD Bundle includes the following: 

Rebalance & Reboot Your Body 

Hip and Knee Strengthening (Standing & Barre)
Join Miranda Esmonde-White for a 23-minute standing and barre, full-body workout, designed to liberate all 360 joints whilst focusing on the knees and hips. Miranda will teach you exactly how to protect your knees by correctly positioning your feet, all while gently unlocking your hips. In just 23 minutes you'll improve your balance and alignment, increase the flexibility of your spine, hips, hamstrings, and quads, and most importantly - you'll be left feeling pain-free. 

Full Body Stretch Workout (Standing & Barre)
This combination of standing and barre exercises will unlock and liberate all 360 joints, leaving you feeling lengthened, strengthened and energized. Stretching your muscles and decompressing your joints can increase your overall strength, power, and energy. This workout loosens your full body by specifically focusing on feet, hips, shoulders, and spine.

Posture and Spine (All Standing)
This all standing workout is designed to strengthen the muscles of your back while decompressing your spine. This series of full-body movements will improve your posture and will release tension throughout your entire body, leaving you feeling looser and more energized. 

Classical Stretch Season 13: Core Strengthening Series

Every workout in this 18-episode series of Classical Stretch will stretch and strengthen your core, activate and elongate every muscle in your body, and loosen and lubricate your connective tissue. 

Having a strong and flexible core is vital to our overall health; it has been shown to help prevent and reduce back pain, improve stability and balance, prevent injuries, and is vital to your posture and overall body shape. Your core muscles act as scaffolding surrounding your midsection; keeping your body upright, protecting your spine, and housing and protecting all of your vital organs. Having a strong and flexible core will help you to look & feel young by improving your posture and muscle tone while stabilizing and powering your movements – making it easier to do any physical activity safely and efficiently. In just 23 minutes a day, you’ll build a healthy range of motion and strength in your core, arms, shoulders, neck, hips, and legs!   

Each episode will gently strengthen your core and full-body in a safe, accessible, and intelligent way – helping to improve your posture, and leaving you feeling strong, pain free, and balanced.