Pre-Choreographed Workout 5: Increasing Strength & Range of Motion

$ 54.95 CAD

Available exclusively in English/Disponible en anglais seulement

Pre-Choreographed Workouts (PCWs) are the workouts Certified Essentrics Instructors teach while completing the 4-level certification program. PCWs consist of pre-defined exercise sequences set to an eclectic music playlist based on a one-hour class structure. Each PCW has a specific theme while offering a full-body rebalancing workout. All PCWs include a video (streaming online) demonstrating how to teach the workout. The accompanying written content (online) covers detailed exercise breakdowns, teaching tips, target anatomy and more.

NOTE: Please complete your purchase using the same email address to which your Instructor Certification communications are sent.


A stable internet connection is required to access this online-only product. We recommend viewing the PCW on a computer (laptop or desktop) for the most comfortable learning experience.

If you are not a Certified Essentrics Instructor, you do not have access to this product.

You must be a Certified Level 1 Essentrics Instructor (or higher) in order to purchase this product. If you do not meet this requirement, you will not be granted access to this product. We will reimburse your purchase minus any associated fees.


This PCW is recommended for Certified Level 4 Instructors due to its learning difficulty level.


With Essentrics Creator Miranda Esmonde-White

Work the full range of motion of the upper body with Essentrics creator Miranda Esmonde-White. Dynamic, progressive exercises and Trademark Sequences stimulate and strengthen all the muscle chains for total toning and optimal flexibility.


  • Work the full range of motion of the upper body
  • Stretch and strengthen the muscle chains
  • Strengthen the core

Demographic: All fitness levels
Pace: Medium
Music: Available on iTunes & Spotify
Released: 2013

Workout Variations

  • 90 min Standing, Floor & Barre/Chair
  • 60 min Standing & Floor Toning Workout
  • 60 min Standing, Floor & Barre/Chair Flexibility Workout



  • Trademark: Shoulder Blast and Lever Stretch with Side Bends & Overextensions for front ribs. Full Arm Rotations with 3 levels of Presses to work through side and back ribs. Very stretching and strengthening for intercostal muscles, slenderizing the back and releasing tension in the spine.
  • Pliés: For legs and core with Single-Arm Reaches to knee (short lever) and floor (long lever).
  • Side-to-Side Lunges: Tones entire core, obliques, glutes and legs. Lever Stretches with Overextensions with Resistance and Presses, Diagonal Front Lunges.
  • Kicks: Challenging and thorough sequence that includes front, side and back kicks to increase range of motion in hips, strengthen core and quads, slenderize inner and outer thighs and lift glutes.
  • Trademark: Upper Body Clock with Overextensions for obliques, pectorals, shoulders, and back. Spinal Rolls, Push the Piano / Pull the Donkey, Washing Tables sequence for overall range of motion of upper body and unlocking the spine.
  • Arms: Wrist and hand work for tension in forearms and neck – good for computer workers.
  • Calf Stretch: Heel Raisers, calf stretch with Side Reaches, hamstring and adductor stretch to release tension in lower limb.


  • Seated Spine Stretches: Challenging. Low back and core strengthening. Includes Spinal Rolls and Side Bends.
  • Abs: Very toning for obliques. Challenging sequence with legs in the air.
  • Side Leg Lifts: Circles, back pumps, front kicks with Resistance, Figure 8s. Toning for inner and outer thighs, works range of motion and strengthens the hips, firms the glutes.
  • Quad Raisers: Extremely toning for quads.
  • Groin PNF & Hip Blast: Rebalances hips.
  • Pretzel: Quad & psoas stretch with PNF, long adductor and back stretch.
  • Row the Boat: For hamstrings and spine – with lots of Spinal Rolls and walk-around reaches for hamstrings.
  • Stress Release and Neck Stretch: Releases tension in the trapezius and neck muscles.


  • Feet Strengtheners: To prevent osteoporosis, strengthen all muscles of the foot and ankle – teaches Alignment. Single- and Double-Heel Raisers to increase energy and improve balance.
  • Hip Stretch: Works spine and entire hip joint.
  • Big 4: Two stretch sequences for quads & psoas with hamstrings and Side Stretch for ribcage. Finishes with lower back stretch for entire spine. Works movement of and within the joints to improve flexibility of all leg muscles and releases the back.


Miranda Esmonde-White
Creator, president and co-founder of Essentrics
Essentrics TV workout host

Miranda Esmonde-White is a New York Times bestselling author of the Aging Backwards® series, a world-renowned healthy aging educator and pioneer in the field of stretching. A former professional ballerina, Miranda created the globally-recognized and science-based fitness technique, Essentrics® in 1997—becoming a flexibility trainer to numerous high-performance athletes and celebrities. She is the executive producer, creator and host of the 20-year running fitness television show Classical Stretch, and the award-winning docuseries, Aging Backwards® and Forever Painless—airing nationwide on PBS and American Public Television.

With a worldwide following amongst the 50+ market – Miranda’s fast track program is revolutionizing the way we understand the role that our cells, muscles, bones, connective tissue and joints play in slowing down the aging process while keeping our bodies feeling young, healthy and pain-free.

Based in Montreal, Miranda spends her time developing the technique, writing, and training new instructors. She also travels extensively giving lectures, leading teacher training sessions and hosting retreats.